The Does at Home
An introduction to our girls
Our girls are a young herd, just starting to coming into their stride. They are as much pets as milkers. We keep a small herd so we can work intensely with each of our animals.
Our herd is free of CAE, CL, and Johne’s. We have participated in ADGA milk testing and continue to participate the linear appraisal program.
Our New Buck
Gladdie Acres break the bank
Break the Bank comes to us as a gift to ourselves. See his page for his top quality bloodlines.
Our Soaps
Illustrated: A set of 2 celtic dragon soaps, handcrafted in black & red
We’ve always made soaps, but recently we have decided to share them. Future soaps will range from goat milk (obviously) to tea, with stops in between. Keep watching these pages for new additions.
For Sale
Find both young kids and milking age does here
All our friendly baby goats are handled daily. The kids think that people are their best friends. Our milking age does are also handled regularly. In fact, they have all learned to “kiss” and “shake.”
Most of our goats have championship parents or are champions themselves. All are gentle and come from good milkers.
Sparrow Song Nigerian Dwarf Goats at Sparrow Song Farm, LLC
Milwaukie, OR