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Sparrow Song Goats are Raised for Companionship and to Compete in the 4H, FFA, and Open Arenas.

(They make great milk, too.)


Peak Seasons for Young Kids at Sparrow Song


Usual Costs of Young Kids

Does: from $300 to $500

Wethers (neutered males): $175

Bucks: $550

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Sparrow Song MD Ace of Spades

A full sister of Tri of Hearts, who won her first Championship in 2019, she was unable to show until 2020 (and you know what happened then), but we have high hopes for 2021. In 2017, she was Oregon State Fair Youth Show Grand Champion Junior Nigerian Dwarf doe.


Ace gave us quads in late March 2020, 3 bucks and a doe.

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The Chocolate Chip Bell

Our dear Chip has retired from competition, but consistently gave us the prettiest, calmest kids. She was a wonderful 4H showmanship goat. Additionally, her steady attitude allowed her and her young handler to place 9th at the ADGA National show in intermediate showmanship in 2015.

We are looking forward to seeing how Chip’s daughters and their kids come out this spring.

American Dairy Goat Association Linear Appraisal Score 84 (VEV+) @ 5 yrs-11 months

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Stayawhile NW Photogenic

Genny has missed a couple of years of competition, but this spring looks promising. All our goats learn tricks, but she has by far the greatest repertoire of them.

She was bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank, producing two lovely does for 2020.

ADGA Linear Appraisal 2017: 82 (++++)

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Sparrow Song GA Such A Tizzy

While her name was apt when she was young, Tizzy has mellowed a lot. She placed 2nd at the 2019 Clackamas County Fair in the yearling class.

She was bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank, producing two bucklings in 2020.

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Sparrow Song GA Calypso

Here’s Calypso in her “winter woolies.” Calypso is Zilla’s daughter, inheriting her great body capacity, fine legs, an improved udder, and her mother’s love of people. (Bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank, her mid-April 2020 kidding gave us two lovely does.)

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Sparrow Song Asteroid

2019 Junior Champion at the Clackamas County Fair

Asteroid is affectionately known as ‘My Little Space Rock.’ She is very friendly, always hurrying to greet her people. She will be bred Fall 2020.

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Wee 3 Farms D Magnolia

Magnolia brings us a another fine new bloodline. She was little shy at first, but has become quite interested in people. We are anticipating her first kidding in 2021.

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Sparrow Song Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum, a.k.a. Miss Mum, is probably the friendliest goat on the property. She looks like her mother, Indy, with a deep body and long rump.

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Gladdie Acres SC Funnybusiness

Funny is the goat who does her tricks the most deliberately, calmly reaching out to “shake,” and “kissing” with a flair.

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Sparrow Song Latte

Blue-eyed Latte is one of Chocolate Chip’s daughters and has her calm perspective on life. We hope her kids do as well. .

Latte was bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank giving us two attractive does with extra dairy strength in March of 2020.

ADGA Linear Appraisal 2018: 82 (+AV+)

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Gladdie Acres BZ Bridezilla

Zilla is one of our ‘lovingest’ goats. She scoots the others out of the way in order to get to her people.

She is a Star-rated milker, which means she milks 600 pounds of milk a year. Zilla was bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank giving us two bucklings in late April 2020.

ADGA Linear Appraisal 2018: 80 (V+EA)

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Gladdie Acres Indy 500

Indy is one of our calmest goats, responding with little more than an ear flap over most out-of-the-ordinary things. She is a 3 Star rated milker and we expect her babies to do just as well at the milk stand. Bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank, Indy gave us a doe and a buckling in mid-April 2020.

ADGA Linear Appraisal for 2018: 86 (+V+V)