Genny in her winter woolies.  She turns into a fluff ball, though We’d never tell her.  Her dignity would be offended.

Genny in her winter woolies. She turns into a fluff ball, though We’d never tell her. Her dignity would be offended.

DOB: 04/28/2015 ADGA #: D1732688

Linear Appraisal Score in 2021 was an 89 (VVEE).

Genny is not for sale at this time.

Genny is bred to Gladdie Acres Break the Bank for kids in March. For more information about Banks, check his page under “Bucks.”


Sire: SG (Superior Genetics) Stayawhile TV Newsworthy (LA Score 82 (+VE))

SS: Fuki Farm ATS MI Incentivo (LA score 86 (VVV))

SD: S Stayawhile GK Takara (LA Score 90 (VEEV))

DAM: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready (LA Score 91 (VEEE))

DS: Fuki Farm ATS MI Incentivo (LA Score 86 (VVV))

DD: SG AGS Honey Goat Blondie (LA Score 88 (VVEE))

Genny’s dam, Camera Ready, was one of the American Dairy Goat Association’s national Top Ten Producers in 2018.

Updated 29 July 2020

Sparrow Song Nigerians at Sparrow Song Farm Milwaukie, OR